Meijnerswijck & Meijnersduin

Project: Meijnerswijck & Meijnersduin, Development New Urban Living District, Arnhem, 2023
Client: KondorWessels Projecten, Rijssen 

Description: A new urban living project (400+ houses) is rising in the city of Arnhem. Located in and against the backdrop of a unique nature reserve (De Uiterwaarden) adjacent to the Rhine River. Part of the area used to be an old industrial shipyard and another part a more recently used event area for the city. We were asked to develop a plan for a park that needs to service the new future neighborhood. Various sports facilities, a bar & restaurant and the existing and future event portfolio (music, sport & other cultural experiences) need to become part of a new public space for the region created with obvious respect to and in cooperation with its current users.